Intel is adding new processors to its 11th Gen Rocket Lake series of chips. An upcoming chip in the Rocket Lake series has now been spotted on benchmark site Geekbench. The new chip, named Intel Core i9-11900T has been listed with 8 cores and a 35W TDP and is said to be the most power-efficient Rocket Lake SKU to date. There is no official word from Intel about the 11th Gen Rocket Lake Core i9-11900T and hence, this information is to be taken with a pinch of salt.
The Geekbench listing shows that the Intel Core i9-11900T features a low 1.51GHz base frequency but maintains a high 4.9 GHz maximum boost frequency. The Rocket Lake’s cores are said to be power efficient enough to run 1 or maybe two cores at a boost frequency typically found on higher wattage processors. Another thing that the Geekbench listing hinted is the new Intel Rocket Lake processor is faster than its competitor, the AMD Ryzen 7 5800X as the AMD chip proved to be 2.5 percent slower than the Intel Core i9-11900T. While the Intel Rocket Lake processor scored 1717 points in the single-threaded test, the AMD Ryzen 7 5800X scored 1674 points. In the multi-threaded test, the Intel Core i9-11900T score 8349 points, 22 percent higher than the AMD Ryzen 7 5800X.
Overall, from what the Geekbench listing suggests, the Intel Core i9-11900T promises good performance and efficiency, given the high benchmark scores and the 35W power consumption. It is also said to outpace Intel’s Comet Lake-S chips in the single-threaded performance. Outperforming direct competitor AMD Ryzen 7 5800X also comes as a good indicator. That, however, is subject to further testing after the Intel Core i9-11900T is launched. It is not known when the processor will be launched, but Intel usually launches its ultra low power CPUs after the launch of its vanilla and high-performance.